Lesser known classes and functions from the Dart core libraries

Yeah @mraleph went into this in details in this talk

Basically instead of JsonDecoder, it gives you a decoder that goes Utf8 → Json directly without converting the Utf8 bytes into a string first


Thanks for the link, @Hari_07!

Another cool functionality from the Dart SDK that I didn’t know about until recently is the FutureRecord2 extension and its kin.

It lets you do parallel awaits more easily and readably than Future.wait() or [...].wait. Because it works on records. So:

var (text, image) = await (fetchText(), fetchImage()).wait;

Using record instead of iterable means that the types of text and image are correctly inferred, whatever they are.


Oh this is very cool. Thanks!

Flutter team can make a valuable video of the week with all those pearls.
How many cool stuffs to us are casual to them is beyond me!



Sooooo useful.

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