This is a flexible ScrollProgress widget that implements a progress bar showing
the user’s current scroll position. The widget includes 6 different pre-built styles:
: Clean, minimal progress bargradient
: Smooth blue gradient effectrounded
: Purple bar with rounded corners and subtle shadowthick
: Thicker orange variantslim
: Minimalist green thin lineshimmer
: Animated gradient effect with color transitions
All styles are customizable and the implementation uses standard Flutter widgets like Stack
, FractionallySizedBox
, and LinearGradient
. The progress calculation is handled through a ScrollController
listening to scroll events.
style: ScrollProgressStyle.shimmer, // or any other style
full video: on Bluesky
full code here: flutterfx_widgets/lib/scroll-progress/scroll_progress.dart at main · flutterfx/flutterfx_widgets · GitHub