Dependency Analyzer tool - enforce boundaries

I wrote a small static analysis tool to enforce architectural boundaries and dependency rules. I am not sure i should publish it to or not. Do you think this is something useful for the community?

Basically you define a set of rules inside a yaml config file, like this

  - key: "no_circular_dependencies"
    description: "Circular dependencies are not allowed"

  - key: "no_package_to_package"
    description: "Features cannot depend on other features"
    from: "pattern:feature_*"
    to: "pattern:feature_*"

  - key: "no_package_to_package"
    description: "Packages cannot depend on other packages in shared folder"
    from: "folder:shared"
    to: "folder:shared"

  - key: "no_package_to_package"
    description: "Feature b cannot depend on feature a and vice versa"
    from: "feature:feature_b"
    to: "feature:feature_a"
    inverse: true # This rule is inverse because we want to avoid circular dependencies

Run the script

dart run lib/main.dart -p example -c ./lib/config.yaml

And it outputs if any violation is found inside the project.
I wrote this to run on a CI/CD and fail the pipeline if there is any violation.


Hey i’d be interested in this. Can’t see the harm in publishing to Also would be interesting to know how you implemented it.