Flutter install/extract issue

I’m having a problem with my cmd recognizing the flutter doctor or flutter in general, my flutter file is in my C:\src\flutter location and I have created a path C:\src\flutter\bin in my environmental variables path. According to copilot in my flutter\bin folder there should be a flutter.bat file but no matter how many times I reinstall and extract I’m not able to receive the file, the last few times I used 7-zip to extract the flutter download. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

@Eric, From your description it looks like you are developing in a windows environment. If that is the case I would take the following steps to troubleshoot.

  1. if you have installed to C:\src\flutter there should be a .git directory. You could run a git status from C:\src\flutter. It should report “nothing to commit, working tree clean” as part of the output. If flutter.bat is missing it will report “deleted: bin/flutter.bat”.
  2. If the tree is showing clean. You can try to run the following from cmd \scr\flutter\bin\flutter.bat --version which should tell you about the flutter version you have installed.
  3. If the tree reports flutter.bat is deleted, maybe try to get the flutter sources from another site?

Good luck

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