From UX to DX to AIX: Why Google needs Flutter and Dart

About 20 years ago, the term “UX” was coined to signify the importance of the “user’s experience” with respect to software. Shortly thereafter, the term “DX” was coined to signify the importance of the “developer’s experience” with respect to software. It appears that we’ve entered the era of “AIX”, i.e. the importance of an “AI’s experience” with respect to software.

Google has already shown that it is interested in integrating Flutter into Gemini through “bespoke UIs” ( Clearly, the quality of the bespoke UI is going to depend on the ability of the LLM to write working code that satisfies the query. This ability is an example of the “experience” of the AI with respect to the tech stack (i.e. Dart and Flutter).

If Google wants to be a leader in bespoke UIs, then a competitive advantage is the fact that it owns the Dart/Flutter tech stack. For example, it can introduce new features into the core Dart and/or Flutter codebase in order to help Gemini produce better results.

I expect the issue of AIX to become a topic in software engineering research over the next few years. For example, does improving the AIX also improve the DX? Are there situations in which one must “choose” between improving one at the expense of the other? If so, how does one decide?

Your thoughts?

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