Frustrated with Official Flutter Packages' Reliability

I’ve been using Flutter’s camera and in_app_purchase packages, and it’s been really frustrating. The camera package misses features like custom aspect ratio, full-screen support and many more, and even some general things don’t work properly. in_app_purchase is even worse—it’s related to money, but there are bugs that have been open for years with no fixes. I am living with such bug in one of my production app.

What annoys me the most is that many users have reported these issues, but nothing seems to change. It feels like nobody cares. Now I’m starting to doubt if I should trust official Flutter packages at all.

Has anyone else faced this? How do you deal with it?

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Such general rants are not really helpful.
When you say the many users reported a problem it is always important to consider that this still might not be a general problem but can depend on specific devices or environments

Have you tried camerawesome | Flutter package

What specific problems are you currently facing with the in_app_purchase?


Best thing to do here is unfortunately try to fix them yourself :slight_smile: It’s probably not the answer you’re looking for, but realistically until someone fixes it, it won’t get fixed. The Flutter team is quite small and they are not the main consumers of the official packages, so sometimes we either need to make some noise, or take matters in our own hands.

One good initiative is plus-plugins. I think camera could eventually become part of it, although not sure if there’s capacity for that in this team.

I was annoyed with flie_picker on macOS and fixed it not knowing how to do it at all before I started. It’s a fun learning experience too.