Hi everyone, I’m working on a Flutter project I did two years ago with a group. Now I need to resubmit it, but I’ve run into a number of issues that have kept me stuck for days.
I’ve migrated the project to the declarative Gradle structure, and every time I seem to solve one problem, another one pops up. The latest error I have is the following:
> A failure occurred while executing com.android.build.gradle.internal.tasks.CheckAarMetadataWorkAction
> An issue was found when checking AAR metadata:
1. Dependency ':flutter_local_notifications' requires core library desugaring to be enabled for :app.
I have tried adding coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled true in the app module’s build.gradle file and adding the desugar dependencies (com.android.tools:desugar_jdk_libs) as recommended, but I still can’t get it to work.
I’m looking for someone with experience who can guide me to at least get the app working with the original features, and then be able to add improvements later. I really appreciate any help or advice you can give me.
Additional details:
- Flutter version: 3.27.1
- Dart Version: 3.6.0
- Gradle Version: 8.4
- Operating System: Windows 10
- VScode version: 1.96.2
- Emulator: Pixel 3a API 34
Main Dependencies:
- flutter_local_notifications: ^18.0.1
- firebase_core: ^3.8.1
- cloud_firestore: ^5.6.0
- firebase_core_platform_interface: ^5.3.1
- native_notify: ^0.0.3
- background_fetch: ^1.3.7
- firebase_messaging: ^15.1.6
- http: any
- awesome_notifications: ^0.6.21
Thanks for any responses!