Improving Password Error Messaging for Better User Guidance

When trying to sign up using a simple password, I received the following error:

“User password password has too many repeated characters. Please use a more secure password.”

Here are two suggestions for improving this message:

  1. Modify the error message to make it clearer. For example, instead of “User password password,” use something more specific like:
  • “Your password is too simple. Please use a more secure password with fewer repeated characters.”
  1. Provide an example of a secure password format. For instance:
  • If I attempt to use a password like “e192121e,” the system could suggest avoiding multiple repeated characters and highlight password strength tips. It was saying it seems good before I tap sign-up button.

Are you talking about a service such as Firebase, Supabase that produced this error?

Regarding the management of the service: If the website uses Firebase, the error handling itself works well, but the messaging could use some improvements. Currently, there’s duplication in the error text, like: “User password password has too many repeated characters.”

Additionally, there’s some inconsistency between the password field’s feedback and the sign-up request. The text field might indicate that my password is acceptable, but when I submit the sign-up request, it returns an error saying to “avoid multiple repeated characters.”

I realize this isn’t a major issue, but as the channel name suggests, this is just some friendly feedback! :smile:

Discourse probably uses PostgreSQL as indicated in the Discourse Github

As for the error handling, it’s most likely a label that can be changed.
The forum being very new, things will change, but not sure that this is the top priority for now on the forum.

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