Nice introduction to watch_it


I could not agree more with the author’s evaluation of watch_it vs. the other state management solutions available.

I have been using watch_it since its inception and I absolutely love its simplicity and ease of use. I have used it on ever new project I have undertaken and I have gone so far as to even refactor existing projects so they can benefit from it’s advantages as well.

The share the author’s disbelief at the low number of likes to this package has on I can only come to the conclusion that people have just not discovered it.

Here’s to hoping more developers get to experience the joy of using watch_it!


Thanks so much for your kind words. Indeed it’s quite frustrating that still many people haven’t discovered watch_it.
Have you already discovered the new 'createOnce" function to create Controllers?

Hey @escamoteur
Your architecture changed my life. One of my biggest fears was how should I architect my app. From the moment I introduced with the get_it and then to RVMS I start using it.
RVMS is really beautiful and also simple to implement but if we compare it to other architectures like clean architecture or bloc. It was so hard to me to understand bloc and it’s architecture but RVMS
was too straightforward on those moments to me.
I still prefer to use RVMS over any other architectures
Thanks for your nice job.
I appreciate you and your works
God bless you!

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I still prefer using this darn and cool package over any other packages. watch_it is really simple to use.

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RVMS architecture primer: Exploring Flutter Command and RVMS | by Sameer Kashyap | Flutter Community | Medium

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Wow, I totally missed that article.

I’m using watch_it as well - as a noob I could not wrap my head around other state management solutions, the fact that I could grasp (and successfully use) it speaks for it’s simplicity and ease!

It has also helped me to better understand flutter as well, so thank you @escamoteur and I hope more developers get to enjoy this package!


Thanks so much! It’s great to know that people are using it sucessfully

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