(His/Her, probably His) own MVVM with dependency injection, blackjack and hookers:
(His/Her, probably His) own MVVM with dependency injection, blackjack and hookers:
You are versed in BLoC but your frenemy is versed in Riverpod? You both can be fired together by someone who keeps the things simpler.
Love the docs
I don’t know either, btw… because I get it.
I mean it’s super opinionated. It’s not stated in the readme but I guess that the ViewModelStatelessWidget
adds a hook for to rebuild when the ViewModel changes.
Not a fan of the registration inside the Widget tree of the dependencies.
What I like is the general simplicity
I often wonder why we are not able to better bundle our efforts to come up with a better state management package instead creating yet another one every two months or so.
@anon92706177 maybe the question if someone is using this is a bit weird for a package that is less than 24h old
Yeah, didn’t notice. I check new packages reading the Issues · fluttergems/fluttergems · GitHub (which is the way new packages are added there).
I mean it’s super opinionated.
So are Riverpod, Signals, BLoC, etc. =P
It’s not stated in the readme but I guess that the
adds a hook for to rebuild when the ViewModel changes.
Looking at the code, it is kinda simple. The dependencies’ thing is a stateful widget that holds the dependencies scope (which I don’t think are bound to Flutter’s widget tree at all, it is just a map of Type and Object (which are the instances of those registered objects)). The viewmodelstatelesswidget is just a wrapper to the same thing (my_own_mvvm_with_dependency_injection_blackjack_and_hookers/lib/src/view_model.dart at main · JCKodel/my_own_mvvm_with_dependency_injection_blackjack_and_hookers · GitHub), i.e.: it registers the viewmodel as any other dependency.
I like it. It’s so simple, you can actually see and understand what is happening. I can’t even figure out Riverpod official documentation >.<
I moved some following posts here Questions / idead for get_it
to not distract in this discussion
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