Passing a Bloc instance with Go router

Hi All,

I would like to discuss passing an instance of a Bloc or Cubit to another screen using the Go Router package.

I am passing an instance of Bloc/Cubit in the extra object, and it works fine.

Passing any thing to maintenance mode?

go_router is now official in maintenance mode :frowning:

How did you find that out?

Look at the last line of the README.MD

there is no hard set of rules about scooping bloc/cubit but usually people tend to scope it by feature or per page (aka screen) so probably if you elborate a little bit about the problem that you’re trying to solve we would help you to think about it differently

It’s great news actually! go_router has a lot of potential and It means that the 240-ish issues are going to get finally addressed :slight_smile:

Nope, maintenance mode means that they won’t add any new features which often means that general support will be reduced.