Popular services or tools lacking Dart support

What are some popular services or tools that you use currently or would use and lack Dart support?

Most of the time I have found that a lack of support is merely due to developers not putting requests on a company’s radar.

Fern and Speakeasy (for example) did not have requests for Dart support until today.


What’s so special about fern? There are already some OpenApi Dart generators?

If we’re just doing a basic comparison of features, afaik you cannot describe event driven APIs such as websockets using OpenAPI

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Ah, thanks from the quick look at the fern repo I assumed it’s just another OpenApi generator

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@viktor maybe a spec format that Serverpods could support?

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For me the reason why I use TS instead of Dart on the backend is lack of official SDKs for stripe, sendgrid, influxdb, and some other popular SaaS


Which means being able to create Dart code from their api spec would be really helpful.