Project challenge

Hey guys,
I received a more or less complicated challenge to do in Flutter/Dart: To create an app that turns the cell phone into a type of radar for detecting the speed of cars traveling within a condominium, where the maximum speed allowed is 20Km/h. I’ve already done something, but I need help with it. Have any of you ever done something like this?

I fear you need to explain a bit more how the phone should measure the speed.
I currently have ko real idea what this app should do

Using the camera, knowing the framerate and positioning it at a specific distance where you have a precise dimension of real object size can give you the speed by making a diff between frame.

You know the time between two frame and you know covered distance but you have to analyse frame to find a common anchor. Tires/wheel would be great candidates.


The easiest will be have an App on each driver phone that reports their current speed and location.

From location you can calculate if they are in the condominium, and then check the speed.

Challenge will be that the user can exit the App while in the condominium.

Thanks guys for the answers. Let me explain the challenge better:
I live in Brazil, in a condominium of houses where the maximum speed allowed for those traveling within the condominium is 20Km/h. The condominium is unable to install a speed radar, so they gave me the challenge of creating an application in which the cell phone is attached to a post, detecting the speed of each car that passes by (like a radar). If the speed of the vehicle (which can be a car, a motorcycle, etc.) is above 20 km/h, the app takes a photo and records the speed at which it passed. It’s more or less the idea that @BlueAquilae posted. I’ve already started creating the code using TensorFlow, but I still haven’t been able to do what I need.
So I ask for your guidance to know the following:
1 - Is it possible for me to develop this project?
2 - If yes, using TensorFlow is the only way? Or are there other ways to do what I need?

Yes, I agree. But we cannot force each resident to install the app on their cell phones, or even if they install it, they can uninstall it afterwards.
The app is to help the Condominium manager discover who is speeding within the condominium and thus take the appropriate measures.

Very interesting, @BlueAquilae. Could you explain a little bit more?

Pi speed cameras and then send data to back end, with Flutter app alerting the Police.

Great!! I’'l take a look. It is not necessary alert the Police, it’s only for internal control. Thabk you for the tip! The only problem is the cost. The condominium does not have many financial resources to purchase such equipment. That’s why the challenge came. Making an app, using your cell phone, which costs much less than this.

Yes it’s just a basic explaination.

In real case, I would advise to look at native implementation.
The camera and phone specs (angle of view, etc) of the phone and the position being known it would detect when a vehicule enter the frame for object detection.
Then start a frame burst.

The frames batch would be send to native implementation for analysis and can even take a pics of the plate.

It’s the same tech, but a simplify version, that is used by cops on road side.

Maybe check github for some code. Use Flutter for integration with the lib, do not try to implement it.

Interesting project.

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Ok, here are more details: The cell phone will be fixed to a post, 1 meter from the ground and at an angle of 45 degrees in relation to the street, to be able to photograph the rear license plate of the vehicle, if the speed is above the permitted limit.
I’m going to take a look at projects that already do this and that I can integrate with Flutter. If you have any more suggestions, please let me know.