Was hoping someone would be able to explain how we can write unit tests that stub a function that isn’t in a class. For example, how can we stub bar().
Future<dynamic> foo() async {
final val = await bar();
return val;
In some utility file we have:
Future<dynamic> Function() bar = () async {...} ;
I found Rémi’s post about the subject here where he suggests you can make a MockFunction class and then put that in the when function from Mockito. I don’t quite understand how that will know which function to replace and when I mocked this up I get an exception, the when function runs saying Null is not a subtype of type Future.
class MockFunction extends Mock {
Future<dynamic> call();
final bar = MockFunction();
when(bar()).thenAnswer((_) => Future.value(null));
To stub bar(), you need to explicitly assign the mock to the function in your test, like bar = MockFunction();. Then use when(bar.call()) for stubbing since call is the method being mocked.
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