Flutter has a dedicated showcase page that lists well-known companies that use Flutter (Xiaomi, Universal Studios, Alibaba, BMW, Toyota, eBay, etc.). But there’s so many of them now that, paradoxically, it lowers the impact. You start reading the page with “Xiaomi uses Flutter to fuel innovation” which is fantastic to have, but also says nothing about how big the user base behind that innovation is. [1]
In other words, the official showcase is more geared toward people who are already half-sold on Flutter and need to learn more. These people do need the variety and depth that the showcase provides.
But when you just want to explain to someone why Flutter is important, in a sentence or two, you don’t say “Xiaomi uses Flutter to fuel innovation”. You also don’t want to lead with “Flutter is used extensively at Google for mission-critical apps” (although it’s true).
You want to say something like:
The last I counted, there were at least __ Flutter apps with at least a million users. Apps from Alibaba, BMW, eBay, Google, PUBG, and so on.
But I don’t think we have the data to say the above now. eBay shared its numbers recently[2] and Google has been vocal about at least one app[3] but many others are fluffy about their use of Flutter. (I do understand this. Companies don’t owe it to anyone to share their user counts with the world.)
So here’s a thread where I’d like to invite everyone to share links to articles or videos or other supporting material that talks about Flutter apps with 1 million users or above. Not Flutter apps that “serve a business with X million users” or whatever but Flutter apps that are actually installed on that many devices. (Or, if they’re web-based, have that kind of actual user base.) The less fluffy we’re about the list, the better. I want a list that’s impossible to dispute.[4]
The goal is to have as many well-sourced examples as possible, from a variety of countries and regions. This is because people from different regions react to different brands differently. I list Alibaba, BMW, eBay, Google and PUBG above not because they’re the most important brands worldwide, but because I know that people in Central Europe know them. I know that in other regions, Nubank,[5] for example, would be a great brand to mention — but they are virtually unknown here. So, the more examples, the merrier.
The list so far:
Company | Source |
eBay | eBay Motors: Five Years with Flutter |
Flutter Showcase |Google Pay | |
Nubank | Flutter Showcase | Nubank |
I’ll be updating it.
When you click through, you find out it’s about the companion app for their electric vehicle, SU7. I’m not that familiar with the car industry so I have no idea how many people could have that app installed (not even in orders of magnitude) and how important that is for Xiaomi. ↩︎
Flutter Showcase |Google Pay talks about “over 100 million monthly active users”. ↩︎
I realize that there will always be people who dispute anything. But if there’s an official statement by the company, most rational people will get it. (We’re not trying to convince the edgelords out there.) I’d also count other sources than official statements if they’re believable. For example, sometimes you can deduce a number from the fact that a) company X publicly states their Y business has N customers, b) it’s obvious that every customer automatically needs to be a user of app Z, c) some trustworthy worker at company X says that the Y app is built in Flutter. ↩︎
Flutter Showcase | Nubank talks about “over 48 million people”. ↩︎